Kura Curiosa

Specimen 007

Specimen 007




— Tekhne

Retrieved date:

— Cycle 17, Phase 80, Segment 892, Beat 17

Retrieved Sector:

— Between γ113 and γ117


The Specimen contains fragments of what appears to be an ancient, derelict machine. Embedded within its structure are two archaic alien devices, possibly designed for data storage and retrieval. These components are suspended in a thick, impermeable casing, shielding them from both chemical exposure and light, indicating a purpose of preservation.

It is hypothesized that this machinery served as an ancient alien equivalent to the Kura, a vessel intended to safeguard artifacts from an even more distant epoch. Despite its degraded state, the machinery miraculously continues to function, preserving the embedded relics as if untouched by time. Such resilience reflects the creators’ profound intent to preserve that society’s memory through this enduring artifact.

This specimen was found floating in the void between two galaxies. Its precise sector of origin remains undetermined.


Specimen 007 is a unique 4-Vexel mixed media artwork. This piece combines Japanese gashapon (miniature collectible toys) encased with epoxy in 3D printed structures.

This Specimen is available for acquisition either through direct purchase (contact me) or, on occasion, during  art fairs or gallery exhibitions.

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