Kura Curiosa

Sentry 002

Sentry 002


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Sentries are more than just visual elements; they are interconnected AI entities designed to safeguard the modules and Specimens housed within. Silent and ever-watchful, they are responsible for ensuring the security and integrity of the Kura’s collection, responding swiftly to potential threats or disruptions. Their smooth yet imposing forms reflect a dual nature—both technological and organic, functional yet artistic.


Sentry 002 prints in 10 parts: 5 red “Core” elements, which serve as its central processing and sensory unit,  the case printed in Jet Black, a central socket and 2 side vents that were printed in Galaxy Black for the picture, and a central vent printed in Jet Black. To assemble, simply use super glue to secure each elementsto the case.

For added creativity, experiment with different top-fill patterns during printing. For Cores, my favorites are Hilbert Curve and Monotonic, but any pattern is possible.

Material choice and colors are flexible—PLA works well, but feel free to explore more exotic materials. If you’re printing with a nozzle size larger than 0.4mm, I recommend testing connection tolerances to ensure the best fit.

At the center of the Core is a 3mm hole with M3 hexa nut chamber for securing it to the Vexel (you can use glue instead, but I personally prefer screws). A print pause is required to insert the hex nut.

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